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THE 'WORLDS MOST WATCHED DOCTOR' Prof Shafi Ahmed is a laparoscopic surgeon, academic, tech entrepreneur and humanitarian. He talks about his origins, the worlds first livestream operation broadcast to millions and his mission to transform the future of medical teaching and the Healthcare of the Future
THE 'WORLDS MOST WATCHED DOCTOR' Pt2 - Shafi talks Digital Surgery, Technology , Jobs of the Future Del speaks to Shafi Ahmed about COVID 19 , how technology will create new jobs and how people could embrace change. Shafi also talks guilty pleasures aka West Ham.
ITS NOT ABOUT THE BIKE - The C Word. In this meeting Joe Amin talks about how a motorbike has come to symbolise his Positive Mindset in an internal battle of the will between good mental health vs bad physical health, it's a psychological fight manifested into reality. The realisation that life is running out so how does one celebrate it.
BUILDING TO THE SPIRIT IN THE SKY Earle is an Award Winning International Architect and he talks tall buildings, being an Aussie in London. Spirituality and how that has been a comfort when the chips have been down. Also the benefits of being told you are not good enough.
QUIET CULTURAL REVOLUTION Simon Brown aka Mr.&&&, graphic innovator, film maker, fashion designer, producer is quietly leading a trans Atlantic creative revolution through 'collaboration'. Simon talks about his modern symbolism the future and the creativity of disruption .
THE NAKED VICAR- Rev. Jim Craig is an ex punk and now the priest at Kings College, London. Jim talks to us about experiencing failure and how relating to the character of 'Job' was instrumental in his religious awakening. Jim talks about his own introversion and the path to self discovery, his reinvention and in turn self acceptance. Recent events have once again tested Jim's resilience we discuss his responses.
THE NAKED VICAR- PART 2 - Jim discusses how art helped him to bring together parts of the community in Gateshead. We explore Jim's love of music ranging from the influences of 'Bleep Techno,' through to in more recent times American Gospel choirs. Finally the importance of not losing your voice in order to see yourself.
BEAUTY IN THE ORDINARY - Simon Allford is a multi award winning architect and a founder of AHMM one of the most successful firms of Architects in the UK. He is a visiting Professor of Harvard and Bartlett UCL, and RIBA President. We discuss positive influences in his early life and the freedom to make choices alongside motivation and how not having a grand plan is not always a bad thing. Finally some architecture and some boxing
BORN FIGHTER- PART 1 - Ruqsana Begum is a Professional Boxer and the Former World Muay Thai kick boxing champion. She trained in secret to become the UK, European and World title holder. After undergoing a divorce and battling depression, she took solace in the gym to work her way through her circumstances and find a focus and what came out was a 'Born Fighter;' This became the name of her best selling sports autobiography, short listed for sporting book of the year.
BORN FIGHTER- PART 2- Ruqsana Begum is a Professional Boxer and the Former World Muay Thai kick boxing champion. She trained in secret to become the UK, European and World title holder. After undergoing a divorce and battling depression, she took solace in the gym to work her way through her circumstances and find a focus and what came out was a 'Born Fighter;' This became the name of her best selling sports autobiography, short listed for sporting book of the year.
TOOLS TO DEAL WITH THE TIMES- Dr.April Givens is a Psychotherapist and the President of Urban Counseling Clique, a clinic based in Dallas Texas USA, that helps communities deal with positive mental health. As an ex US Army veteran, she is an authority in areas such as PTSD, stress management and dealing with pressure and a prominent community health activist and podcaster. In this discussion we explore tools to deal with our mental health in building resilience in the present climate.
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